I'm sure you all have your own version of this. Here's mine...
what are those Damn Ability Scores for anyway?
NPCs and
monsters can be bargained with, not just slain. They have bills and ex-wives
too. Hired guards sometimes flee suddenly when smacked upside the head with a
real flail that actually hurts. Go figure. Your enemies may pay your
torch-bearer to stick his torch up your ass. When the Hell did Oddwick accidentally
sell your spare chest with Blackrazor and The Necronomicon in it? Why is that
weird jade monkey statue looking only at you? Did that tavern owner's potboy
leave you fidgeting with an itch? Scratch scratch.
situations like these happen or, more accurately, when they are about to
happen, either you roll or the referee rolls (guess whose choice?) 2d6 and adjust
the result by one of your PC's ability score modifiers, whichever one seems
right for the situation.
This table is
meant to quickly resolve any minor issues and avoid messing about with obscure
situational rules you never recall and probably have to look up during play. It's
not meant to be taken seriously, rather used as inspiration. This is just a
game. If you decide that a ruling is noteworthy or valuable to your game play, try
to stick with it again in the future to be consistent. No doubt because you're
an old hat at it you already do this. Good, we're all on the same page, then?
Keep calm and carry on with the slaughter ... er, fun.
Roll 2d6 +/- Ability Score Modifier
2 or less
Catastrophically bad. It attacks, hurts, steals, hates, maims,
attempts to eat, uses its worst, or otherwise fucks you up. Seriously. No chance
of negotiating or fixing. Hope you got a sharp sword.
Hostile or very bad. You're attacked or otherwise thwarted
or hindered or harmed or cleverly made to look like a chump. Too bad for you.
If you want to recover, get creative or make some really good rolls. Maybe
get the ref a beer.
Cautious or uncertain. Make another offer cheapskate,
negotiate more enthusiastically, ponder the situation some more, have a good
dump, etc. Roll again if the referee feels generous. Ref, you had a beer
Friendly or good. Things go your way, your offer is accepted, or the
NPC dude is willing to comply/discuss/help you out. Otherwise, it (or he or
she or whatever) thinks you rock on toast and likes your sexy smell and
12 or more
Enthusiastic or extremely good. Monster or NPC dude goes above and
beyond to provide assistance or information you weren't expecting. You glean
arcane or (virtually?) divine insight about something, whether real or
imagined. Can you translate hieroglyphs into three languages without a
Rosetta Stone? Easy peasy!