
Friday, July 27, 2018

Dice Roll Zine Ramblecast on Anchor & Everywhere Else

Did you know I started a podcast? Yeah I can't believe it either!

The Dice Roll Zine Ramblecast is hosted on Anchor, the sweet interactive podcast platform, but is also available most other places that hip, cool, and super trendy podcasts are available (ahem). Places like Spotify, iTunes, Castbox, and so on.

If you are interested in the OSR ramblings of an idiot gamer metalhead goofball, please check it out! :D

I have embedded DRZ Ramblecast episode #10 below for your listening pleasure. This here is the main link to my profile page on Anchor where all the DRZ podcasts are listed. It's also over there (*points right) on the side of the page. Or you can search for Dice Roll Zine on your favorite podcast app.


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