
Monday, April 28, 2014

Fortnight of Chaos, Part V: Beasts of Chaos

This edition of the Fortnight of Chaos presents conversion stats in Labyrinth Lord format for various beasts of chaos.

Edit: Updated most entries below with some notes I missed. I removed the "cause fear" effects from all of the beasts, for example. Although including it is staying true to the Warhammer versions of the beasties, it is difficult to translate that over to LL and give beasts a "touch" attack to cause fear as per the low-level spell. That just doesn't feel right to me. But having it affect a 30-foot radius was just too overpowering, I think, and I also didn't want to hand out 4th level fear spells to beasts. I'm saving that for the demons ...

Warhounds are savage, wolf-like beasts with a thirst for blood and taste for flesh. These cruel canines possess distended, fanged maws, horns or tusks, spiked spines, flail-like tails and other similar deformities.
Combat: A chaos warhound strikes once with its bite, gore, or tail attack.
Warhound: AC 7; HD 1+1; hp 6; MV 180' (60'); #AT 1 bite or gore or tail; DAM 1d6; SV F1; ML 8; AL CE; HC none; #ENC 2d6; XP 15.

Chaos spawn are misshapen creatures of pure hatred, vileness and savagery. Mutated far beyond their once-human form, chaos spawn have amorphous bloated bodies, sprout random tentacles and limbs, and drip with unnatural slimes and ichors.
Combat: Randomly determine a chaos spawn’s maximum movement allowance each round. Because its limbs and tentacles grow and disappear constantly, a chaos spawn makes 1d6+1 attacks each round. As virtually mindless creatures, chaos spawn ignore morale checks and are immune to all mind-affecting spells and magical effects.
Spawn: AC 4; HD 6+2*; hp 29; MV 2d6 x 10' (7’ to 40'); #AT 1d6+1 tentacles or clawed limbs; DAM 1d6 each; SD immunity to mind-affecting magic; SV F6; ML 12; AL CE; HC none; #ENC 1 (1d4); XP 680.

Chaos minotaurs are ferocious bull-headed warriors with a taste for humanoid flesh.
Combat: A chaos minotaur typically attacks with its vicious bite and gore, but there is a 50% chance it wields a battle axe instead, gaining +2 to damage. A chaos minotaur suffers from bloodgreed. When it slays an enemy, there is a 1-in-3 chance the minotaur will ignore other foes and feast upon the corpse. A minotaur consumes a man-sized corpse in 1d3 rounds. Once a corpse is consumed, the minotaur resumes fighting with a temporary 1d6 increase to its hit points (cannot increase above max hit points).
Minotaur: AC 6; HD 6+2*; hp 29; MV 120' (40'); #AT 2 bite/gore or 1 battle axe; DAM 1d6/1d6 or 1d8+2; SA bloodgreed; SV F6; ML 12; AL CE; HC VI; #ENC 1 (1d4); XP 680.

Doombulls are the most powerful and intelligent of chaos minotaurs.
Combat: A chaos doombull usually makes bite and gore attacks, but there is a 50% chance it wields a battle axe instead, gaining +3 to damage. Like a minotaur, a doombull suffers from bloodgreed. When it slays an enemy, there is a 1-in-3 chance the doombull will ignore other foes and feast upon the corpse. A doombull consumes a man-sized corpse in 1d2 rounds. Once a corpse is consumed, the doombull resumes fighting with a 1d6 increase to its hit points (cannot increase above max hit points).
Doombull: AC 6; HD 8+2*; hp 38; MV 120' (40'); #AT 2 bite/gore or 1 battle axe; DAM 1d6+1/1d6+1 or 1d8+3; SA bloodgreed; SV F8; ML 12; AL CE; HC VI; #ENC 1 (1d4); XP 1,220.

Chaos centigors are drunken, bloodthirsty crossbreeds of horses or oxen and chaos beastmen.
Combat: In battle, a centigor batters its enemies with hoof attacks, or it wields a hand axe and shield or a battle axe (50% chance of either, +1 to AC if a shield is used). A centigor is usually massively drunk and often flies into a rage when injured in a fight. The combat round after a centigor is wounded, there is a 50% chance it flies into a drunken frenzy, gaining +2 to hit and damage until it is killed (or is victorious), but also suffering a -2 penalty to armor class. A centigor moves through thick vegetation as a druid.
Centigor: AC 5; HD 4+2*; hp 20; MV 180' (60'); #AT 2 hooves or 1 weapon; DAM 1d6/1d6 or weapon; SA drunken frenzy; SV F4; ML 8; AL CE; HC II, III, IV; #ENC 1 (1d6); XP 215.

Chaos ogres are notoriously violent and difficult to control.
Combat: A chaos ogre is a rather stupid creature, but it does possess natural battle cunning. Typically, a chaos ogre fights with a massive spiked club with a +2 damage bonus.
Ogre: AC 5; HD 5+2; hp 25; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 great club; DAM 1d10+2; SV F5; ML 10; AL CE; HC VI; #ENC 1 (1d6); XP 260.

Chaos trolls are amongst the most malformed and twisted chaos creatures.
Combat: A chaos troll attacks with its vicious claws and bite with a +1 damage bonus to each. Like its monstrous cousins, 3 rounds after it is first damaged, a chaos troll begins to regenerate 3 hit points per round; fire and acid damage is not regenerated. Instead of its claws and bite attacks, a chaos troll may spew noxious vomit upon enemies in a cone 30 feet long and 15 wide. Those who fail to save vs breath weapon suffer 2d6 damage and a -1 penalty to attacks and saves until they wash themselves of the putrid bile.
Troll: AC 4; HD 6+3**; hp 30; MV 120' (40'); #AT 2 claws and 1 bite or special; DAM 1d6+1/1d6+1/1d10+1 or special; SA vomit; SD regenerate; SV F6; ML 10; AL CE; HC VII; #ENC 1 (1d4); XP 980.

Chaos giants are loathsome, battle-loving creatures. They are constantly drunk; they belch, fart, curse and yell at whim; they piss in the middle of battle if they need to; and they pay little heed to orders so are virtually uncontrollable. What are puny little folk going to do to stop them? Though they are a risk to any chaos commander, the collateral damage to his own forces and general havoc created by giants are acceptable as they are capable of utter devastation when caught in the throes of battle lust.
Combat: A chaos giant typically attacks with a great, spiked war club with a +3 damage bonus. A chaos giant may also grab an enemy on a successful attack. When an enemy is grabbed, roll 1d6 to determine what the giant does.
Giant: AC 4; HD 8+4**; hp 40; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 great club or giant grab; DAM 2d8+3 or special; SA giant grab; SV F8; ML 11; AL CE; HC VII; #ENC 1 (1d4); XP 1,220.

Giant Grab: Roll 1d6 for giant’s action when he grabs an enemy.
1. Stuff in bag. The giant stuffs the grabbed victim into his bag along with his other items—such as cows, sheep, boulders, weapons, armor and other such treasures. Starting on his next turn, the victim may make a save vs paralyze to escape the giant’s bag. Each round spent in the giant’s bag, a victim suffers 2d6 damage from being bounced around and squished by other creatures and objects.
2. Throw into melee combat. The grabbed victim takes 3d6 damage as the giant throws him into a nearby melee combat. A random target in the melee also takes 3d6 damage when the victim crashes into him.
3. Hurl. The grabbed victim is hurled 3d10 x 10 feet in a random direction and takes 3d6 damage when he lands.
4. Squash. The grabbed victim is squashed in the giant’s massive hands and takes 2d6+3 damage.
5. Eat. The grabbed victim is swallowed whole by the giant. The victim takes 2d6 damage each round as he is digested until he dies or the giant is slain. The swallowed victim may attack with a -4 penalty while in the giant’s guts, but only if he has a dagger or knife.
6. Grab another. The giant stuffs the grabbed victim into his bag (see result 1), under his armpit, or down his shirt or pants (save vs poison or victim suffers effects of a stinking cloud spell) and attempts to grab another victim.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Fortnight of Chaos, Part IV: Chaos Bray-Shamans, Sorcerers and Priests

The Fortnight of Chaos continues today with details of chaos bray-shamans, sorcerers and priests. While, strictly speaking, there are no "chaos priests" other than bray-shamans in the 2002- and 2003-era version of the Warhammer Fantasy Battle rules (and none in the original 80's versions), I've included them in these Labyrinth Lord conversions for completeness. It would just seem odd not to have priests devoted to the gods of chaos in any old-school fantasy game.

The chaos gods favor bray-shamans for they have granted them dark powers. It is said they wander mystical realms as spirits, divining secrets of the past and omens of the future through dream visions. Amongst the beastmen hordes, bray-shamans serve as priests and leaders, and are greatly feared. Even the most volatile beastman would never risk the wrath of the gods or other beastmen by striking a bray-shaman.

Combat: Bray-shamans wield spells in combat, inflicting suffering upon foes and conjuring protections upon allies. Their favored melee weapon is a cruelly knotted rod called a braystaff, and their thick hides and piecemeal armor protect them as studded leather armor. Great bray-shamans also wield braystaffs, and their hide and piecemeal armor protects them as scale mail armor. There is a 50% chance that bray-shamans possess magic items.

Bray-Shaman: AC 7; HD 3; hp 14; MV 150’ (50’); #AT 1 braystaff or sling; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV C3; ML 8; AL CE; XP 65. Spells: cause light wounds, command, bless. Note: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Great Bray-Shaman: AC 6; HD 5; hp 23; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 braystaff or sling; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV C5; ML 9; AL CE; XP 350. Spells: cause fear, cause light wounds, command, bless, hold person, striking. Note: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Amongst the most feared of mortal chaos fanatics, sorcerers are gifted with power to manipulate dark magics. Sorcerers unleash devastation upon all who oppose them, blasting foes into cinders with fiery wrath or destroying minds with horrific psychic onslaughts. But with this power comes corruption, for the chaos gods do not idly grant such blessings. In time, sorcerers succumb to the mental and physical rigors of the evil arcane energies they wield. Their minds collapse into vortices of insanity and their bodies twist into mockeries of their former glory. Such is the toll for power exacted by the chaos gods.

Combat: Chaos sorcerers harness spells in combat for they are weak fighters. When they must engage in melee, sorcerers wield unwholesomely shaped black staves or wickedly curved daggers. However, sorcerers are master tacticians and often lead warbands or armies into battle. Neophytes do not have magic items, but sorcerers and exalted sorcerers have a 50% chance to possess magic items. Because of their corrupted nature, chaos sorcerers use d6 for their hit dice.

Chaos Neophyte: AC 8; HD 3; hp 11; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 staff or dagger; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV MU3; ML 9; AL CE; XP 65. Spells: magic missile, shield, scare.

Sorcerer: AC 8; HD 5; hp 18; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 staff or dagger; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV MU5; ML 10; AL CE; XP 350. Spells: magic missile, shield, scare, stinking cloud, fireball. Notes: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Exalted Sorcerer: AC 8; HD 7; hp 25; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 staff or dagger; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV MU7; ML 11; AL CE; XP 790. Spells: charm person, magic missile, shield, scare, stinking cloud, dispel magic, fireball, fear. Notes: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Chaos priests are northmen who have abandoned their former faiths and turned to the chaos gods for spiritual strength and earthly power. Priests are feared leaders amongst the mortal chaos followers, as well as military advisors and tacticians. Priests also serve as spies and recruiters in the civilized lands, hatching insidious schemes or playing to the vanity of nobles ripe for conquest, and luring new followers to the dark paths of the chaos gods. The cost of their powers is high, however, and chaos priests eventually succumb to mental and physical mutations like sorcerers.

Combat: Priests are the unholy warriors of the chaos gods. They also shape the very will of the chaos gods into spells that inflict suffering and fear in their foes or bolster and rally their allies. Acolytes are the weakest priests, wearing studded leathers and wielding maces and slings. There is a 50% chance any group of acolytes will possess shields. Priests and exalted priests favor cruel maces or flails as weapons, and array themselves in dark mail. There is a 50% chance priests will have shields; exalted priests do not use shields for their maces and flails are heavy two-handed weapons. Priests and exalted priests have a 50% chance to possess magic items.

Chaos Acolyte: AC 7; HD 1+1; hp 6; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 mace (or flail) or sling; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV C1; ML 8; AL CE; XP 21. Spell: command.

Priest: AC 6; HD 3+2; hp 16; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1 mace (or flail) or sling; DAM 1d6 or 1d4; SA spells; SV C3; ML 9; AL CE; XP 100. Spells: cause light wounds, command, bless. Notes: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Exalted Priest: AC 5; HD 5+3; hp 26; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1 heavy flail; DAM 1d8; SA spells; SV C5; ML 10; AL CE; XP 460. Spells: cause fear, cause light wounds, command, hold person, silence 15’ radius, prayer. Notes: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Encounters & Treasure: All bray-shamans, sorcerers and priests are encountered singly as part of a warband or as members of a demonic retinue or personal guard. Within a temple complex or citadel, neophyte sorcerers and acolyte priests may be encountered in groups of 1d8. Neophyte sorcerers and acolyte priests use hoard classes (HC) II, III and IV. Bray-shamans, sorcerers and priests use hoard class VI and have a 50% chance to possess magic items. Great bray-shamans, exalted sorcerers and exalted priests use HC VII and have a 50% chance to possess magic items.

The following tables detail magic items commonly possessed by bray-shamans, sorcerers and priests. For brevity, the generic term “sorcerer” is used hereafter instead of bray-shaman, sorcerer and priest. Roll 1d10 to determine if the sorcerer possesses magic items, then roll on the other tables as indicated to generate specific magic items.

If it’s not explicitly obvious, a miscellaneous magic item may be considered part of a talisman, jewelry, holy symbol, staff or some other device worn or carried in-hand (referee’s discretion) by the sorcerer. Magic armor is always the same type as a sorcerer’s normal armor, with a +1 bonus to AC. Magic bracers will provide base AC 7 when worn. Cloaks will provide a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws when worn.

If any of these items are recovered and used by non-evil characters, the dark sorceries imbued within them will cause serious harm, if not death. As a rule of thumb, when any non-evil character touches or attempts to use a chaos magic item, he must succeed at a save vs spells or immediately lose one experience level (or hit die). Characters should not be messing with dark chaos powers! In fact, finding the means to destroy chaos magic items could be an engaging adventure unto itself…

Roll 1d10
Magic Items Possessed
Miscellaneous item, roll on Table V
Weapon, roll on Table VI
Armor, bracers or cloak, roll on Table VII
Two items, roll 1d6 for each: 1-2 miscellaneous, 3-4 weapon, 5-6 armor, bracers or cloak

Roll 1d8
Magic Weapon
Amulet of Chaos: At the start of its turn each round, any foe engaged in melee combat with the sorcerer must make a save vs spells or suffer 1d6 damage from the powerful aura of chaotic evil surrounding the sorcerer.
Beguiling Gemstone: At the start of its turn each round, any foe engaged in melee combat with the sorcerer must make a save vs spells or suffer the effects of a confusion spell for that round.
Book of Secrets: This corrupting tome permits the sorcerer to prepare two levels worth of extra spells each day (i.e. two 1st-level or one 2nd-level spell). However, when he casts any of these extra spells, there is a 50% chance the sorcerer must make a save vs death or suffer 1d4 damage.
Collar of Chaos: The sorcerer gains +2 to all saving throws against magical effects.
Crown of Conquest: This darkling crown enables the sorcerer to regenerate 1d3 hit points at the start of his turn after a combat round in which he has been damaged by enemies.
Heart of Darkness: This heart-shaped, blood-red gemstone grants the sorcerer use of the bless spell once per day.
Powerstone: This radiant purple crystal-like gemstone grants the sorcerer the re-use of one spell each day. Roll 1d6 to determine the spell level: 1-3 = 1st level, 4-5 = 2nd level, 6 = 3rd level.
Skull of Whispers: This skull floats around the sorcerer’s head when in use, whispering words of power in his ears. The sorcerer gains +1 to each damage die rolled for his spells. If a spell does not deal damage, the targets suffer -1 to their saving throws against it instead. The effect lasts 1 turn and the sorcerer may use the skull once per day.

Roll 1d8
Magic Weapon
Blood Weapon: Upon a successful hit, the victim of this weapon must make a save vs death. Failure indicates the attacking sorcerer gains 1d4 temporary hit points. These hit points are lost first when the sorcerer is damaged or disappear after 1 turn (whichever comes first).
Bonecrusher Weapon: When the sorcerer hits an enemy with this melee weapon, damage dice are rolled twice and the higher of the two rolls is applied.
Chaos Runeweapon: When wielding this weapon, the sorcerer gains +1 to hit and damage, as well as an extra attack every second combat round.
Rod of Corruption: With this rod, the sorcerer targets one enemy he can see within 60 feet. The target must save vs spells or suffer 2d4+1 damage as corrupting energy courses through him (half-damage on a successful save). At the start of each of the target’s subsequent turns, he must make a save vs spells or suffer an additional 2d4+1 damage. Two successful saving throws in a row ends the rod’s corrupting effect upon the target.
Scepter of Domination: When wielding this staff, the sorcerer gains +1 to hit and damage. In addition, once per day, the sorcerer may cast charm person.
Staff of Change: When wielding this staff, the sorcerer gains +1 to hit and damage. In addition, all saving throws against spells cast by the sorcerer suffer a -1 penalty.
Summoning Weapon: Instead of making a normal melee attack, the sorcerer may dramatically brandish this weapon to immediately summon 2d4 demonic 1 HD monsters to fight for him (similar to the spell summon monster I). The monsters are mutated, chaotic versions of normal monsters, but use their standard game stats for combat. The monsters disappear after 2d6 rounds or when slain.
Terror Weapon: Instead of making a normal melee attack, the sorcerer may dramatically brandish this weapon to cause fear (similar to the spell) in all enemies within 20 feet of him. Foes within range must make a successful save vs spells or flee in panic for 1d6 rounds. Those who succeed at the saving throw are immune to the weapon’s fear effect for the rest of the day.

Roll 1d8
Magic Armor
Armor or Bracers of Crimson Flame: Any foe attempting to make a melee attack against the sorcerer must make a save vs spells. If failed, the enemy loses his attack as he recoils in horror at an imaginary conflagration bursting from the sorcerer. If successful on his saving throw, the enemy may attack the sorcerer normally. Once a successful saving throw is made, that enemy is immune to the imaginary flame effect for the remainder of the day.
Armor or Bracers of Damnation: A successful attack against the sorcerer must be re-rolled. The re-roll stands whether a hit or miss.
Armor or Bracers of Tortured Souls: This armor provides the sorcerer an additional +1 AC bonus against all normal (non-magical) attacks.
Armor or Bracers of the Void: If the sorcerer makes a successful saving throw against a spell cast against him, the enemy who cast that spell must make a save vs spells. If the enemy caster fails this save, the spell he just cast is permanently lost to him as dark chaotic forces summoned from beyond the Void invade and wipe his mind of magical power. When the caster next looks in his spellbook (or prays for his spells if he is a cleric or druid), he cannot recognize the writings for the lost spell (or cannot properly demonstrate his faith). At the referee’s discretion, the spell lost is not permanent and the caster is simply temporarily confused by the writing in his spellbook (or his prayers) and cannot prepare it for 2d6 weeks. Alternatively, the spell may be re-learned if the caster comes across another version or has some divine inspiration.
Armor or Cloak of Shadows: The sorcerer is engulfed in shadow and surrounded by 1d4 shadowy duplicates, making it difficult to tell his exact position. This effect functions exactly as the spell mirror image and is usable once per day.
Chaos Runecloak: On a successful hit against the sorcerer with a magic weapon that weapon is negated of all magic properties for 1d6 rounds.
Spelleater Cloak: This cloak grants the sorcerer a re-roll on any failed saving throw vs spells. The re-roll stands whether successful or not.
Wraithform Armor or Cloak: This armor makes the sorcerer appear incorporeal similar to a wraith. While wearing this armor, the sorcerer is unharmed by nonmagical weapons and silver weapons deal only half-damage to him.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fortnight of Chaos, Part III: Warriors, Champions & Knights

Today we continue the Fortnight of Chaos with a look at the ranks of chaos warriors, champions and knights. As with the other posts in this series, stats are presented for the Labyrinth Lord game system.

Only the strongest and most vicious northmen may become warriors, champions and knights. These fanatical soldiers form the vanguard of the chaos horde, and their thirst for blood and battle is unmatched—except perhaps by demons. The blessings the chaos gods grant to these fearsome mortals command respect and awe from the lesser forces of beastmen and marauders. In extraordinary circumstances, the greatest champions and knights may even ascend to demonhood.

Combat: The fanatical warriors arm themselves with long, cruel swords, viciously barbed light crossbows and plate mail armor. Champions wield dire great weapons and don plate mail armor black as night. In battle, both warriors and champions gain +1 to hit and damage with melee weapons and their barbed crossbow bolts are +1 to damage. There is a 50% chance that any group of warriors will possess shields. The powerful knights sometimes bear ensorcelled plate mail armor and weaponry, and decorate themselves with battle trophies hewn from their dying foes. Knights gain +2 to hit and damage with melee weapons and their crossbows bolts are +1 to damage, in addition to any magical accouterments bestowed upon them (see below). Knights always ride war steeds into battle.

Encounters & Treasure: Warriors encountered singly or in warbands use hoard class (HC) II, III and IV, champions use HC VI, and knights use HC VII. However, champions and knights have a 50% chance to possess magic items. Chaos warbands consist of 6 to 12 (2d4+4) warriors and are commanded by a champion. Champions may also serve as personal guards for sorcerers, demons and other dark dignitaries. Chaos knights command two or more warbands, but are also encountered singly or as guards like champions.

Chaos Warrior: AC 3; HD 2+1; hp 10; MV 60’ (20’); #AT 1 long sword or light crossbow; DAM 1d8+1 or 1d6+1; SV F2; ML 10; AL CE; XP 35.

Champion: AC 3; HD 4+2; hp 20; MV 60’ (20’); #AT 1 two-handed sword or light crossbow; DAM 1d10+1 or 1d6+1; SV F4; ML 10; AL CE; XP 140. Note: 50% chance to possess magic items.

Knight: AC 3; HD 6+3; hp 30; MV 60’ (20’); #AT 1 two-handed sword (lance if mounted) or light crossbow; DAM 1d10+2 (1d6+2, x2 if charge) or 1d6+1; SV F6; ML 11; AL CE; XP 380. Note: 50% chance to possess magic items.

War Steed: AC 5; HD 3+2; hp 16; MV 120' (40'); #AT 2 hooves; DAM 1d6/1d6; SV F3; ML 10; AL N; XP 65.

The following tables detail magic items commonly possessed by wargor beastmen (see Part II for beastmen details), chaos champions and chaos knights. For brevity, the  generic term "champion" is used hereafter in place of wargor, champion and knight. Roll 1d10 to determine if the champion possesses magic armaments, then roll on the other tables as indicated to generate specific magic items.

Magic armor is always the same type as a champion’s normal armor, with a +1 bonus to AC.

If any of these items are recovered and used by non-evil characters, the dark sorceries imbued within them will cause serious harm, if not death. As a rule of thumb, when any non-evil character touches or attempts to use a chaos magic item, he must succeed at a save vs spells or immediately lose one experience level (or hit die). Characters should not be messing with dark chaos powers! In fact, finding the means to destroy chaos magic items could be an engaging adventure unto itself…

Roll 1d10
Magic Items Possessed
Weapon, roll on Table II
Armor or shield, roll on Table III
Weapon and armor/shield, roll on Tables II and III

Roll 1d8
Magic Weapon
Berserker Weapon: The champion gains an extra attack with this melee weapon each round.
Blood Weapon: Upon a successful hit, the victim of this weapon must make a save vs death. Failure indicates the attacking champion gains 1d4 temporary hit points. These hit points are lost first when the champion is damaged or disappear after 1 turn (whichever comes first).
Hellfire Weapon: Upon a successful hit, this flaming weapon deals an extra 2d4 damage. If the victim makes a successful save vs spells, he reduces this extra damage by half.
Poison Weapon: Upon a successful hit, this poisoned weapon deals an extra 2d4 damage. If the victim makes a successful save vs poison, he reduces this extra damage by half.
Rending Weapon: All wounds inflicted by this weapon bleed for 1 extra damage point per round until a cure spell is cast upon the victim.
Soul Cleaver Weapon: Upon a successful hit, the victim of this weapon must make a successful save vs death or suffer double damage. Normal damage is still inflicted on a successful save.
Summoning Weapon: Instead of making a normal melee attack, the champion may dramatically brandish this weapon to immediately summon 2d4 demonic 1 HD monsters to fight for him (similar to the spell summon monster I). The monsters are mutated, chaotic versions of normal monsters, but use their standard game stats for combat. The monsters disappear after 2d6 rounds or when slain.
Terror Weapon: Instead of making a normal melee attack, the champion may dramatically brandish this weapon to cause fear (similar to the spell) in all enemies within 20 feet of him. Foes within range must make a successful save vs spells or flee in panic for 1d6 rounds. Those who succeed at the saving throw are immune to the weapon’s fear effect for the rest of the day.

Roll 1d8
Magic Armor
Acid Armor: There is a 50% chance that any nonmagical weapon striking the champion in this armor is immediately destroyed by its acidic secretions. Magical weapons have a 10% chance of being destroyed or, at the referee’s discretion, are entitled to a saving throw to resist the acid.
Armor of Damnation: A successful attack against the champion must be re-rolled. The re-roll stands whether a hit or miss.
Armor of Tortured Souls: This armor provides the champion a +1 AC bonus against all normal (non-magical) attacks.
Bane Shield: Standard shield AC bonus, plus when the champion is successfully attacked, this shield allows him to make a retaliatory shield strike attack against that specific foe for 1d6 damage (adjusted normally by Strength) on his next turn in the combat round. If the champion disengages from melee combat with the foe, he cannot make the free attack. Only one shield strike attack can be gained in a round regardless of how many attacks successfully hit the champion.
Chaos Runeshield: Standard shield AC bonus, plus on a successful hit against the champion with a magic weapon that weapon is negated of all magic properties for 1d6 rounds.
Spelleater Shield: Standard shield AC bonus, plus this shield grants the champion a re-roll on any failed saving throw vs spells. The re-roll stands whether successful or not.
Trollhide Armor: This armor allows the champion to regenerate 1d3 hit points each round. Damage from fire or acid cannot be regenerated.
Wraithform Armor: This armor makes the champion appear incorporeal similar to a wraith. While wearing this armor, the champion is unharmed by nonmagical weapons and silver weapons deal only half-damage to him.